The Green Heart Project
Partnering with The Nature Conservancy and UofL Health to facilitate a study about the importance of trees and their untapped power in fighting diseases
Beginning as a subsidiary of The Nature Conservancy, the Green Heart Project paired with GS2 in an effort to provide tangible evidence to a study done by the University of Louisville Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute that could prove the hypothesis that greenifying cities in the United States could help combat various diseases, most notably heart disease.
This effort is being orchestrated by GS2 as 7,500 trees are in the planning process of being planted in at-risk and pollution-heavy areas around the city of Louisville, KY with a target of 9,000 as the final number.
Commitment to Progress
Updates in a number of categories are being published in our Green Heart Blog as we move closer toward accomplishing our goals. Join us in observing the positive impact on our communities.