Lisa Efird

Former Military Spouse

Federal Contracting Advisor


Lisa Efird’s civil service career spans 33 years. She worked in Logistics at Ireland Army Hospital for 16 years with Medical Supply and Property Book, then for 17 years in federal contracting.

In contracting, Lisa achieved a Level III certification and an unlimited warrant with the Mission Installation Contracting Command at Fort Knox. At the same time, she served as a contract administrator for multiple Army contracts in value of over $1B. Ms. Efird was a team leader and Branch Chief during her tenure at Fort Knox MICC.

While working overseas, Ms. Efird was a contract administrator for the European networks in Germany handling wireless service deals in excess of $70mil. She additionally served as the Contract Management Support Officer and the Support Agreement Manager while on assignment there.

During her final year with MICC, Ms. Efird was appointed interim Director at Moffett Field, California and was the only warranted Contracting Officer. While there, Ms. Efird successfully negotiated claim settlements that were backlogged 4 years and significantly improved organization metrics.

Ms. Efird received over 20 performance awards during her tenure in the contracting field.



Morehead State University

M.A., Business Administration

Northwood University

B.A., Business Management


Alison Hedges